Ephes. 4:25 - Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another. 1 Peter 1:22 - Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:

This is the letter that Robert wrote to Steven Mwale to try and explain what was going on in Des Moines. Lloyd Goodwin did not allow Robert to answer this letter and he felt bad about that. I wrote a letter about a week later which follows this one on the same page.

Brother Steven Mwale, C.O. Gospel Assembly

Box 210026, Chililabombwe, Zambia, C. Africa

March 26, 1993

Dear Brother Mwale:

Greetings in the name of our precious Savior, Jesus.

I was going through some of my old letters and papers I have kept and found your wonderful letter dated July 1988. I want to say that the reason I never answered your letter is because Lloyd Goodwin told me not to. At that time I had just returned to Des Moines. My family and I moved away after my first wife had left me and gone to Texas.

My present wife is the one who was at the table with us that day. I want you to know that through my wife I have found a peace with the Lord that I never had before. My wife and I spent over 16 years connected to the church in Des Moines. But two years ago in May, we left the church because of circumstances concerning my wife's sister that happened years ago. The false story was that her sister tried to seduce Lloyd Goodwin. The truth was just the opposite. He seduced her, pulled her into his office and kissed and fondled her. He told her that Sister June Goodwin, his wife was sick and would probably not live long and then he would marry her. But her sister couldn't live a lie and he made her and her family leave town!

Brother Goodwin had my wife write a letter to her sister, rebuking her and telling her that she was a whore, and all kinds of bad and false accusations. It broke her heart to write the letter. Goodwin told my wife what to say and then asked if he could make a copy of it for his files. But he made several copies and sent them out to ministers. One of the ministers was Brother Don Patton from Ft. Worth, Texas.

Then, in 1988 or before, Brother Patton was trying to decide on whether he should join with Lloyd Goodwin or not. He had gone to my wife, Wanda, and asked her how everything was going and at the time we had just come back to church and did everything we could to uphold Lloyd Goodwin's ministry so she told him, "fine." They had never talked about the letter. All this time Brother Patton and his wife and church were visiting and testing to see if they wanted to join up with Brother Goodwin.

Several years later and after a lot of soul searching, my wife decided she must tell Brother Patton the truth about the letter because her conscience was really bothering her. But when Lloyd Goodwin found out that she had talked to the Pattons, he was furious! I had talked to Brother Goodwin myself and told him this was really bothering Wanda and he refused to do anything to make things right and chose to remain silent.

After my wife made it right with the Pattons about the false letter, she was faced with total rejection from the Des Moines church. It came down to the final blow. Brother Goodwin said in two different services that my wife would die a terrible fiery death and be burned beyond recognition. He said if this did not happen, then God had never called him to the ministry! These words were spoken almost two years ago and my wife is still alive and doing well and loves God more each day!

I am not trying to write after all this time just to cause a problem but there is a reason I found your letter after all this time. I know you want to follow God just as I do.

In our country there is a large outbreak of cult awareness. I want to remind you to look back at where you came from and where you want God to lead you. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. And if any man tries to go up any other way, he is the same as a thief and a robber. My prayer is that you would return to the teaching of God to see your connection for your spiritual life. I know we all learned some good things at Des Moines but we all must have our own relationship with the Lord and not go through a man!

I just want to tell you our prayers are with you and your family. We are not telling you these things to cause trouble or spread gossip but feel that you and the other ministers have a right to know the truth about what is going on in the Des Moines church and be able to make a choice based on the truth.

We just had our two-year-old grandson here for a visit. It is so great to see our family growing and to know God is in control and is very aware of us.

We pray for you and your work. Let us know how you are. Do you still have wild animals around your village?

May God be your rock of strength in all that you do.

Your brother in the Lord,

Robert Mason


John 8:36 - If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

This is the letter that I wrote to Brother Mwale about a week later. I included copies of Sharon's story and some of the previous letters to Lloyd Goodwin and some articles on mind control and brain washing. I can't remember all, exactly, but it was enough to let them know the truth.

April 2, 1993

Dear Brother Mwale:

Greetings in Jesus precious name!

I suppose that you have received the letter from my husband, Robert Mason, by now. I wanted to send you some additional information.

I felt the need to let you know that Lloyd Goodwin is the leader of a destructive religious cult. I feel that you and the other ministers in Africa as well as other countries have the right to know what you are dealing with and be able to make a choice based on the truth. The enclosed material will or should help you understand where we are coming from.

You may choose to not read it or refuse to take heed to it but I felt that since you are our main source to the nation of Africa that we must appeal to you. Not only for yourself but for the sake of other ministers and precious children of God. You and they have a right to know the truth and make a decision based on that.

I spent a total of 21 years in this cult and I know what I am talking about. Anyone who draws your attention to themselves and their ministry instead of focusing on Jesus Christ is not of God.

I am not trying to destroy this man. He is doing it to himself. Please consider the enclosed material and especially the article on Brainwashing.

Sincerely and in Jesus' name,

Sister Wanda Mason