When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 



I remember the deliverance that fell upon the church at the time my family came into the church. The church had just split from Jolly. My experience at the time I received the Holy Ghost was miraculous. I received the Holy Ghost at eight years old. It was an awesome experience. I remember how close I felt to Him; I was safe from evil.  I always wondered why didn't I receive it like everyone else? You know you go to church, receive the Holy Ghost, come home, everyone is excited and that's about it. Oh, not me. I had no Christian upbringing. When I received the Holy Ghost. I was under it for 4 to 6 hours. Visions like a picture show. I was astonished as I came to. (I know this sounds sci-fi.) I began telling my mom, "They were eating raw fish!” I could smell the sand; feel the wet of it under my feet. I could feel Paul's personality. It was like I knew these people intimately it was that experience that held me to the truth. It was great to tell of all I had seen.


I also received a lot of special attention that later became a burden. I was thought of as having some special gift that gave me a direct connection with God. I remember the burden getting so heavy that I told my mom it was a devil; that I was not so special. But, the visions did not stop. The blessings I received were so deep. I saw myself walking on this cloud, holding hands with Jesus. My feet got cold, so He picked me up and held me, then explained why my feet were cold. I was walking over the state of California, and they were experiencing an unusual amount of snow. My parents’ read of such an occurrence in the newspaper weeks later.


Still, I did not want the oppression of this kind of attention. There was also a vision or whatever one is more comfortable calling it, where this angel who introduced himself as Gabriel caught me up. We soared across this body of water; I saw a statue in the middle of the water, holding up one arm as if it were a sign of victory. The angel told me that when we passed this way again the image would not be there. And, sure enough, when the angel and I traveled back, this time in a speed that would allow observation, I saw that the image had been destroyed. All of theses visions were given in my childhood.


People who do not lean on the power of the Holy Ghost have visions, just like in the Bible. I think of how the Old Testament astrologers brought understanding to the kings. They were depended on. Daniel received great understanding through the form of visions. So many times we look to signs and wonders to prove to us that God is real. I know I have been guilty of this. Often we overlook the miracles right in front of us. I often thought that the scripture in the Bible that warns us of looking for signs and wonders, if it has something to do with this.

God spoke through a burning bush. He proved Himself with the ordeal with the snakes, the parting of the Red Sea. Throughout the Bible the stories are told of how God has revealed Himself. I think of Jesus as He was performing miracles. He asked. Why do you believe? Is it because of the miracles? Blessed are they that believe and cannot see.” (I feel the witness to this as I think of my own salvation). Overall, the way I see it, is we cannot prove God. We must let him prove Himself through our testimony. I am trying to answer to that calling. Though the request is so simple, the task is so great. I am seeing this as I empty myself out on this web site. It makes me humble; and my compassion for those who are seeking the will of God is enhanced. That in its self is proof to me of the existence of God. This compassion is truly of Him. For I have lived my life in anger. Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth, PEACE. My, my! What an awesome Father, a miracle worker, a beautiful mystery.

Outside of the intimate relation that I had with the Lord, were the other issues of abuse that were ongoing. When the BIG EVENT came down on my head around 10-11 years old, I began to change. I grew more and more angry and frustrated; I felt trapped. The Lord continued to bless me through deep blessings and visions, but I still dealt with the torture in my mind.


My life at home was very scary. My Mom was obsessed with the church. I can remember the beatings, as she would pray over us, casting out demons in the name of Jesus. I grew up thinking I was possessed. I never really learned to take responsibility for my own actions. I had very little grasp of what being a human being was all about. We were raised not to participate in worldly activities or communicate with the world. I lived behind the church. I went to the church school.  I remember a time (I was in the first grade and my brother was in the second grade) when my mother could not find her keys to take us to school. She knew one of us kids had hidden them (my brother or myself). My family still talks about this; they all believe I am either devil possessed or blessed of God to endure this incident in the manner that I did. My mother told me she was going to take me in the bathroom and strip me of my clothes; she would begin at my ankles and by the time she got around my neck I would tell her the truth. She did as she had promised. I cried, but she would not stop beating me. I lay across the toilet and gave her my body to do whatever she wished. I dissociated myself from the blows of the belt, which made her angrier.


My brother was so scared for me. That it just the way things were and I had no choice. When the ministry stands up and says, “Honor your father and your mother,” for those that are not in abusive families, this is easily learned. As a child, I believed this was the way it was; I believed all this was for my perfection; I believed it was God's will to take this discipline; my soul was the issue. Well I was half right, I have learned that there is a discipline of Love and my soul is the issue. We listened to church teachings at home. I remember having one of my girlfriends over between services. We were listening to a country and western station on the radio. We had the volume down so low; we had to put our ear up against the radio to hear the music. My mother came in the door. She was angry. She took me in her room and began whipping me with a belt. I remember crying, feeling pity for myself. She continued beating me as she tried casting out evil spirits. I was so weak; when I went to stand up, I fell to the floor. She began beating me again. I can't believe I survived all the beatings. Throughout my life at home, I was marked as a rebellious child.  I was continually running away. Then, there was my father. He molested me over and over. I’m not sure how important the details are. There were some incidents I will not mention.  He really crossed the line. No one ever believed me.    


I will start when my little sister was born. I was 10 years old. I took care of her, changed her diapers and all the mommy stuff. My mother had gone to a ladies’ prayer meeting, and my dad was home with us. My sister's baby bed was in the room my parents slept in, and I was actually in the baby bed with my sister, caring for her. My dad was in his bed and I heard and saw things that I should not have been subjected to. I told mom when she got home and she said he was doing that in his sleep. We moved into a house close to the church on Airline. I had a bed-wetting problem and my father would wake me up and put me in my bed. One night, he ran his tongue in my mouth. I told my mom. Another time, I was in the living room and my father paraded himself in front of me naked. I remember many times my mother would send me out of the room for no apparent reason and I would cry because I never knew what I had done wrong.    


My mother got a job at a hamburger place, and my brother, two sisters, and I were home with my dad. He said he had a headache and asked me to lie at the end of the bed to answer the phone if it rang. I still cannot tell of the things that happened because I was so scared. He was making noises and I could feel his fat smothering my face. The phone rang and he answered it. I was pinned down under him and he hung up the phone and began saying, “Praise the Lord,” “Hallelujah,” and “Thank you Lord.”  I don’t know how long this went on but I do remember the phone ringing three different times. I don't even remember how I got out of the room because the next thing I remember is that I was standing in my front yard. I was so scared and confused. I ran from him. The safest place I could think of was the church. I began running and my brother chased me down. When I told him what happened, he pushed me into the nearby ditch and ran to get my father. They caught me. When my dad approached me, he held my hand, so gentle and loving and said, “Honey what is wrong? You had a bad dream.” My father to this day does not admit any of this.     


I had to sit in a room and wait for my mother to get home. I knew my dad was in big trouble when she got home. Well, dad was not in big trouble. All this went before the ministry, including Brother Clyde Patton, Brother Billy Brown and Brother George Wright, (Gary's dad). They suggested that I be moved into my grandmother's house. On the night of the big event, my father kept telling me it was all a dream.    


I was taken down to what was called the "Little Red Barn." My mother, through the advice of the ministry, helped the men in casting out and naming the spirits that possessed me, such as the “spirit of lust.” She believed we had spirits that seduced each other. I remember wanting deliverance so bad. I wanted to be "a perfect overcomer." I wanted to be loved.     


At one point, my mother did kick my father out of the house.  She had a dream that she felt was an answer to prayer. She kicked my dad out. After my mom kicked dad out, Brother Clyde Patton said she had done the right thing. He later came back to tell her she needed my father for financial support. In an effort to be obedient to the ministry, she let him come back and he continued to molest me. Not only was he asked to move back, sometime later, he was made pastor of the Willis church. The church was later taken from him because he was not financially responsible. Brother Patton confronted him in front of everyone. This is what separated my dad from the church. Eventually, my parents divorced. My mother today says the divorce was because of what he did to me. My father was exposed when I was around 10. They divorced when I was in my 20's. No one did anything. I have come back. I look at Brother Billy Brown; he counseled us throughout the whole event. I never really had much to say to him. I wonder why no one comes up to me now, no one to this day. Maybe we just learn to forgive. I do not go to church there to find comfort for myself. I seek to find the courage to let my life be a testimony for all the survivors.  


At the age of twelve, I began to dream of what it would be like to be free. My mind was set on getting away from my home. I loved them all, but I just couldn't take anymore. I became a very rebellious youth. The dreams I had upon receiving the Holy Ghost stayed with me, like falling in love for the first time. It created an absolute bond. This was the one thing that haunted me throughout my life. I would tell only my closest friends. I always questioned it, the dream about California bad weather. I still don't understand the importance of it except that it takes away doubt when I am told, even when I am telling myself, God does not care or He is not paying attention.


I want to thank the Lord for all He has shown me through my afflictions. The joy in my soul has made the journey a blessing rather than a curse. Something for me that keeps coming to mind is that, as the Lord has been dealing with me through the years I am brought back to a memory. When I was young, much younger, early teens maybe, I had this amazing enlightening dream. I remember the emotions I felt in this dream. I knew that we had made it. I saw many of the sisters in the church. Now in this dream the emotion was one of joy, yet, the women in the church were not dressed as they dress now. They were hidden away in something similar to a war vault. They were very oppressed. Their names had been changed. I remember trying to get the point across in this dream. As my story was told, I had many of the saints ask me if they were specifically in the dream. I remember the burden I felt on me, as I watched each one with hope in their eyes. The true meaning of that vision was displaced, as I was too young to deliver it appropriately. I’m not sure I was even a teen at the time. 


The dream of the women in oppression: I believe that is about what is going on now. I believe the women have been oppressed, but God has always had His hand in it, for His glory not man's. These women are already a part of the victory. Their sins will be pardoned, and this will release the sins that put them into oppression. All will know the true meaning of the power of forgiveness (this is my feeling); I believe this with all my heart. This blesses me. I believe it so much. I no longer fear the past. I rejoice in the future. I rejoice in my present, for I know if He brought me this far, He will do the rest. This is the dream I had, and I see it. Not only do I see it, I am a part of it, else I would have never had the kind of faith necessary to believe in what I now know. These dreams are a confirmation to me of the power of God. I am so blessed, amazed, and humbled by Him. Oh! My goodness. I wondered about the significance of this information, the vision of the women in oppression, yet rejoicing of their victory, so thankful they had "made it.”  The dream where the angel showed me the statue had been destroyed: I knew the meaning of that dream upon receiving it. At the time, I could not imagine a life outside the church, so the dream left an uncomfortable feeling, certainly not one you go around shouting about.


I believe that dream is also about now. I still cannot give the interpretation of it because of the possibility that someone could be offended; someone who is so close to a victory for themselves that administering this information could cause them to lose hope. Some people serve God to find security, because they have not learned what it is, they have in God. He is your insecurity as well as your security. 


My connection with the Houston church is through my spiritual birth, as is my connection to my natural family. After my marriage to my present husband, the one thing I wanted more than anything was to come to peace with my spiritual family. I would reason with that desire constantly. I really didn't have any animosity, I felt humiliation and terror every time I was around the familiar atmosphere.  I remember one day driving into the parking lot of the church on Airline and crying out loud, “Please, I just want to come home.” I sat in the parking lot and went through the fear, allowing myself to be ripped apart inside, still praying, “Please Lord take this desire away!” I wanted so desperately to be whole again.   


A year later, I went to the house where this had happened. This time I took a friend. I pulled off the side of the road and began vomiting. I hated how this had such a strong hold on me. This was one in a million times I had tried to go down that street. This time I made it. I thought to myself, “If this never happened to me, why am I so tormented?”  “If I was so delusional, why didn't anyone seek help for me?”  I remembered my father standing in the hallway and my mother looking at me, saying, “Now I want you to look your father in the eye and tell him what he did to you.” I was standing at the kitchen cabinets. I began to tell him. He laughed at me and asked me why I hated him so much and did I want him and my mother to get a divorce that bad? I began beating my head against the kitchen cabinets.  


This all came back to me as I sat in front of the house where it happened. Or as it has always been said; “where it never happened.” It breaks me completely to think that anyone is going through this. I am afraid they may be overlooked.  I am slowing down to grasp the feeling that was portrayed through my mother’s eyes: body language. I always wanted to understand the type of thinking of a person who commits acts of incest or tortures their children. How can they have any concept of love? She has described her view of the relationship of my father and myself.  It was as though she were trying to show me how even in my innocence I was guilty. That I was born with the sin of Adam, and my father was the one who was weak. As she has tried to explain these things to me, I began to understand the beating I received from my mother (in the name of Jesus). She was battling her own mind. This is not God’s will. She carries so much guilt. At the same time, I have compassion for her because even when she wanted to do something, she felt she would be disobeying God if she did not obey the ministry. What I am telling her is that there is a church that Paul speaks of and the Lord has truly lifted me into a place of understanding that I am a part of it... by grace. There are others, whether they are imprisoned by the religious demon that has brought this illness on Gospel Assembly, or any other religious group. The point is, it all must come down.   


I remember when I was a kid. On Airline Street, the whole street was filled with topless bars. I remember our church protesting against the bars. I got so angry. I lived behind the church. Often I would just watch the people going in and out. I wondered why I never heard of us offering help. I would truly try to figure out why we never offered a hand to people outside the church. I could imagine Jesus walking across the street. He would be dressed in a way that people would not see Him as different. He would blend in. I could imagine the beautiful words that would come out of His mouth, the words of life. I would get so blessed just daydreaming about it. I always felt our approach to overcoming sin was self-righteous. It is no wonder I "backslid.”    


I am sure that Jesus would not hang out in topless bars anymore than he hung out with "Christians" or religious groups. The simplicity of Him is what I feel is missing. I feel that we (GAC) are building a place of safety in an effort to be in this world; but not of this world. Because of the influence that I grew up under as a child raised in GAC, I am compelled to believe there is more to that scripture than feeling safe because you attend service, dress a certain way, worship a certain way. The true separation from the world is the internal belief that we are saved by grace. The closer I come to the truth that I am no longer under the law of sin, but under the law of grace, I feel the resurrection of Christ. This is where I receive a new mind. This does not happen by drilling people through service every night or listening to tapes at home, making demands such as do not go outside the church for help (psychiatrists or counseling).  I would have never received any kind of help if I had not gone outside the church. No one even believed it enough to offer any help. That is not a safe place; no matter how beautiful the worship is, or how holy the dress is; our hearts are blind to the needs of the people.


My backsliding put me in an honest relationship with myself. I am not happy about the things that I suffered; I am thankful that the Lord has used my life to reflect Him in a very real way. My life is not sugar coated. My testimony is a truth of how Jesus has a personal interest in each and every one of us. My story does not in any way reflect the power of man. I am, and will always be, a member of Gospel Assembly on Airline Drive. They will always be a very special people in my heart. My natural family will always be dear to me as well. I am in a constant struggle when it comes to always putting Jesus first. I am vulnerable to both influences. Then I have my own thinking that I do not trust anymore than I trust the judgment of GAC or the Dacus clan or all those on this web site.   


My point is that I never personally developed a belief that the ministers were anything more than messengers of God. I never took that lightly. I feel we are all messengers or vessels of God and He will use us according to our hearts desire. Some are vessels of honor and some are vessels of dishonor. I remember the stir over the young people when we heard that Brother and Sister Brown were going to have a baby. We had heard him teach that we would have to overcome sex. I never thought of overcoming as “not being human.” I always thought of overcoming as giving everything to God, your sins, your lusts, and He would mold you according to His will. To me if two people were married it was only natural that they would have a child. What is the sin in that? Whatever the sin is in that it is covered through the sanctity of marriage because Jesus said so. The message of marriage to me is beautiful. It’s too bad there are so many hang-ups.   


My parents taught us all the stuff that I hear over this web site. They enforced the rules as they are spelled out on this web site. I can see Lloyd Goodwin in my mother. The problem I have today is; for the first time I am questioning where they got these ideas? I wonder how much of what they did was because they were "following the ministry.” As my mind recaptures the past I am beginning to see my parents were under a very heavy load. I remember what I thought of Brother Patton as a child. My parents taught me that he was a minister and that God would punish us if we said anything against him. I thought he must be an overcomer. I watched him closely as I was growing up. I thought of Brother Brown in this way and Brother George Wright. There was a Shetland pony around "the ten acres" when I was growing up. There were some of us who wanted to ride him. I had watched several of the guys try it. I watched the pony buck them off. Brother Patton drove by. I asked him if he thought the pony would buck me off. He said it would not buck little girls. I hopped right on. The pony did not care that I was a little girl. My back was terribly bruised. The pony threw me off and kicked me several times. I could not get up. My mother came running out. She was very angry with me. I am sure he never intended for me to get on the pony. But I truly believed I was safe because BROTHER PATTON said so. I never thought of him in that way from that moment on.    


God created good and evil. He created evil for its day. This is a thought I have had to go back to all my life. I truly feel that organized religion is an abomination to God. Too often I have looked upon my church as an organized religion. I have heard it preached over and over how different we were compared to other organized religions. I have never been able to agree. Most of the ways I have thought have been looked upon as rebellious. I have never had a minister say this to me. I have never really been under "the ministry" since I have become an adult. I came close.


As I told Darlene, I don't think we remember differently the things that happened in the church. She lived in one environment as the pastor’s daughter and I lived in another. I really appreciate her. Like I have said before, I never knew the ministers as an adult. I had the influence of my parents. My mom had the strongest influence. I did not know Brother Patton personally. I never saw our church, as a whole; do things for the community openly. Maybe there is a good reason for this. I have always had a desire to reach out. This is not saying anything particularly bad, I have always been curious as to why we never had benefits for the needy outside the church. The influence around me growing up in the church was we were of a higher calling. We were not to partake of any of the world. We were not to associate with them in any way. I honestly don't know if my parents took things to the extreme or if this was the true teaching of the church.    


The purpose of me posting on this site is to let out all my negative thoughts, and positive. I desire an open and honest relationship with the church. I am experiencing a lot of anxiety with this. I was taught to look to all the ministers as above my parents in authority; therefore, I am left with the assumption that the life I had at home had to do with their approval. When Brother Patton heard of the situation in our home the first thing he advised was to move me into my grandmother's. This really upset me. I had a true love for the church. My grandmother was an atheist. Brother Patton was very aware of the incident with my family and if he were with us today I believe he would never deny it. As a matter of fact, I wish I could have had the courage to talk to him. I wish I had not believed that he was so far above me that he was untouchable. I truly believe he would have worked with me. I believe Brother Patton and his whole family are very giving people. He did come back just before he passed away to repent to my mom for not having the right answers in our case. He went out of his way to locate her at the courthouse in Conroe. That truly affected our family. He put softness there.


Please try to understand that the fears and distrust associated with the issues implied on this web site are not to hurt or destroy anyone. I will say for myself personally: this matter leaves a feeling of no-trust. I want to overcome this. In order for me to be a part of the church, as I desire to; I cannot leave anything to chance. I wish none of the events of the past had occurred. I really thought that I would never have to deal with them again. Brother Patton was a good man; he, like anyone else, made mistakes, but no one could ever accuse him of being anything like Lloyd Goodwin.    


Even though I have received great victory, my heart is in pain as long as I know there are others who need to be heard. I feel angry to think that the victim must remain silent or give his/her story to be counted as a statistic, like we are adding up stories and if we have enough stories to say there is a problem, then we will do something. I can't always be at church. I don't have time to play church. I want to work for the Lord. I am not looking for anything.  I hear those crying out for help. I want to open my heart wide and receive them and I am not concerned about how it makes "us" look. If we are not associated with this, why not openly and whole-heartedly disassociate ourselves? It sounds like we are still trying to find out THE TRUTH. How can one know? The only ones who know the truth are the ones who participated in the offense. Let me tell you, from the moment I became aware of what had truly happened to me, I was told it did not happen, it was a dream. Today I have learned much from this.


I am inclined to go to the victims, for I know the weakness.  As a child, I had received an awesome experience when I came to the Lord. I felt all of that was taken away due to the sin that was committed against me. I read about Job. I read about Jesus' crucifixion and I saw God as cruel. I blamed God more than anyone and I did not want to Love Him. I did not believe in Him. I could not conceive of Him as one who was given such an awesome intimate experience only to have it taken away by someone I loved so much. I remember my mother saying; “One day the Lord will make you strong from this weakness.”  My, my, my, to see this day has been worth it all. I tried positive thinking, but that only works when I am in physical pain. It took a miracle of love and grace, and no greater victory could I have imagined. I know there is more to come from this.